
Understanding Hormonal Health to Create Inclusive Workplaces 

Understanding Hormonal Health to Create Inclusive Workplaces 

One often overlooked aspect of workplace inclusivity is understanding and supporting hormonal health. This includes conditions like menopause, endometriosis, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), and hormonal issues affecting men. 

The Impact of Hormonal Health on the Workplace 

Hormonal health issues can significantly impact an employee’s work life. For instance: 

  • Menopause affects three out of five working women between the ages of 45 and 55, according to the CIPD. 
  • Endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age, often causing severe pain and fatigue. 
  • PMDD affects about 5-8% of women, causing severe mood changes that can interfere with daily life. 
  • Men can experience hormonal issues like low testosterone, which can lead to fatigue, mood changes, and decreased concentration. 

Common symptoms across these conditions can include: 

  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Fatigue 
  • Mood swings 
  • Anxiety 
  • Memory issues 
  • Increased stress 
  • Physical discomfort or pain 

These challenges affect individual employees and can impact team dynamics and overall productivity. For example, a third of menopausal women have taken sick leave due to their symptoms, with only a quarter feeling able to tell their manager why. Similarly, individuals with endometriosis or PMDD may need to take time off work due to severe symptoms. 

Creating a Supportive Environment 

To create a truly inclusive workplace, organisations need to recognise, understand and address various hormonal health issues. Here are some steps employers can take: 

Education and Awareness  

Provide training for all employees, especially managers, about various hormonal health issues and their impact on work life. This should cover conditions affecting both women and men. 

Flexible Working Arrangements  

Offer flexible working hours or the option to work from home when needed. This can help employees manage their symptoms more effectively. 

Physical Workplace Adjustments  

Consider making adjustments to the physical workspace, such as providing comfortable seating, access to quiet areas, or temperature control options. 

Open Communication Channels  

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their health needs without fear of discrimination or negative consequences. 

Health and Wellbeing Policies  

Develop clear policies that recognise various hormonal health issues and outline available support and accommodations. 

Access to Support Services  

Provide access to occupational health services, employee assistance programs, or coaching services that can offer personalised support for various hormonal health conditions. 

The Role of Coaching and Training 

At The Thrive Team, we offer both specialised coaching and comprehensive training to support employees and organisations through hormonal health transitions and conditions. 

Our coaching services, including our menopause coaching, help individuals: 

  • Develop strategies for managing symptoms at work 
  • Build confidence in communicating their needs 
  • Navigate career development during this life stage 
  • Maintain wellbeing and work-life flow 

Our training courses are designed to empower employers, managers, HR, Mental Health First Aiders, wellbeing champions and employees with the knowledge and tools to handle sensitive discussions with confidence.  

Through our training, participants will: 

  1. Feel more confident and comfortable when addressing hormonal health topics in the workplace. 
  1. Gain an understanding of the legal protections in place for both employers and employees regarding hormonal health conditions. 
  1. Learn practical, cost-effective adjustments that can improve the work experience for colleagues with hormonal health issues. 
  1. Understand their role in the workplace in relation to conditions including menopause and endometriosis
  1. Discover resources to signpost colleagues towards support when needed. 

Our Menstruation and Menopause At Work workshop provides essential information on: 

  • General awareness of menstruation and common conditions that affect it 
  • Stages of menopause, common symptoms and treatments 
  • The legal framework supporting menstruation and menopause at work 
  • Creating a menstruation and menopause-friendly workplace 
  • Having supportive conversations about these topics 

Benefits of an Inclusive Approach 

By addressing hormonal health in the workplace, organisations can: 

  • Retain valuable talent and experience 
  • Improve employee wellbeing and job satisfaction 
  • Enhance productivity and reduce absenteeism 
  • Demonstrate commitment to diversity and inclusion 
  • Create a more supportive and understanding work culture 

Creating an inclusive workplace that understands and supports hormonal health is not just about compliance or being “nice”. It’s a strategic approach that benefits both employees and the organisation. By recognising the impact of hormonal health on work life and providing appropriate support, companies can create an environment where all employees can thrive, regardless of the life stage they’re in. 

At The Thrive Team, we’re committed to helping organisations build inclusive workplaces that support all aspects of employee wellbeing. Through our coaching services, training programs, and organisational support, we can help you create a work environment that truly understands and values the diverse needs of your workforce. 

Are you ready to creative a workplace that understands and embraces hormonal health? Get in touch with us today to find out how our services will support you to create a truly inclusive organisation.  

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October 4, 2024


Ali Grady

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