
Wellbeing Coaching

Coaching for a happier you.

At The Thrive Team we believe that wellbeing is a key component of successful, thriving organisations.

The Health and Safety Executive reported that 17 million working days were lost to stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22—an average of 18.6 days per person.

Our wellbeing coaches can support you on your journey to personal growth and improved mental health—something that is more important than ever in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) where continual change exerts a great strain.

What is wellbeing coaching?

Wellbeing coaching is an intervention that empowers individuals to take charge of their lives and make positive changes to optimise their wellbeing. Extensive research has shown that it can improve mental health, increase life satisfaction and resilience and decrease stress.

How does our wellbeing coaching work?

In a non-judgemental environment, our coaches support you to explore challenges and develop strategies and goals that promote wellbeing in all aspects of life. The benefits we provide include:

Personalised Support

Coaching tailored to your needs and aspirations, with encouragement and accountability to help you navigate life’s challenges and achieve your goals.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Powerful questioning and reflective exercises that help you gain a deeper insight into yourself, your values and strengths. This self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and transformation.

Goal Setting and Action Planning

We help you to set meaningful goals and break them down into actionable steps, and also to identify obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.

Improved Mental Health

We focus on nurturing positive mental health and emotional wellbeing, providing tools to help you manage stress, enhance your resilience and cultivate a positive mindset.

Work/life Balance

A healthy work/life balance is crucial for wellbeing. Our coaches help you identify priorities, establish boundaries and find strategies to integrate work and personal life.

Impact in the workplace

Research consistently shows that coaching brings substantial benefits and a positive return on investment for teams, including:

Increased Productivity: Coaching drives performance by improving an individual’s focus, motivation and goal-setting, unlocking their potential and helping them overcome barriers to productivity.

Enhanced Engagement: Engaged employees are committed and motivated. Coaching fosters engagement by supporting growth and wellbeing and aligning individuals’ goals with organisational objectives.

Reduced Absence and Turnover: Investment into employee wellbeing through coaching has been linked to reduced absenteeism, stress and churn, creating a healthier, more resilient workforce.

Positive Organisational Culture: Coaching interventions create a culture of learning, growth and support within organisations, leading to improved morale and employee satisfaction.

We are committed to empowering individuals and organisations to thrive. Our wellbeing coaching is designed to help you achieve optimal wellbeing, realise your potential and live a balanced and fulfilling life.

What's included?

  • 4x 60 minute coaching sessions
  • Email/telephone support in between coaching sessions as required.

Price: £1,000 + VAT

Get in touch for an informal conversation about how wellbeing coaching can help you or your team.

Bring the best “you” to your new role.

Our coaching modules are flexible and customisable to suit you. As a team that provides a responsive service, we’d love to hear how we can support you.
Let's Talk